Celebrating Minnesota's arts, culture, and history

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Minnesota's Legacy Amendment

In 2008, Minnesota’s voters passed the Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment (Legacy Amendment) to the Minnesota Constitution to: protect drinking water sources; to protect, enhance, and restore wetlands, prairies, forests, and fish, game, and wildlife habitat; to preserve arts and cultural heritage; to support parks and trails; and to protect, enhance, and restore lakes, rivers, streams, and groundwater. Read more about the Legacy Amendment.

Minnesota Legacy Impact

The Impact of Legacy-funded Media

Legacy-funded media created by the MPTA is a valuable resource to promote the work of Minnesota artists and arts organizations and to document our State’s arts, culture and history for future generations.

The MPTA and the Legacy Amendment

Old man working

The Minnesota Public Television Association (MPTA) consists of the six public television stations within the state: KSMQ-TV, Lakeland PBS, Pioneer PBS, Prairie Public, Twin Cities Public Television and PBS North.

With Legacy funds, each station of the MPTA produces an arts and cultural series, specials and cultural-historical documentaries. Legacy-funded media is broadcast across all stations, making each station’s reach statewide. MPTA Legacy-funded media is available online. Many of the MPTA’s Legacy-funded programs have corresponding activity guides designed by and for educators.

The MPTA responds to Covid-19

A look at how the Minnesota Public Television Association responded to the COVID-19 pandemic: MPTA and Covid-19

MPTA Stations and their Work
Click the blue dots for station information

The Minnesota Public Television Association (MPTA) is a statewide association made up of Minnesota’s six independent public television stations.

More Resources

MPTA Work and Impact | MPTA Annual Report | More info about the Legacy Amendment

Archive of Past Reports